Newsletter - European Large Families Confederation (ELFAC) - October 2023
The conference 'Who wins the future – Family-friendly companies and territories' was held in the Palazzo della Borsa Merci in Naples on Friday 20 October. Organized by ELFAC and the Italian Large Families Association (ANFN), in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Naples, the event presented the reality of the partnership experience with “family-friendly” companies initiated by the European Network of Family Friendly Municipalities.
Regina Florio Maroncelli brought her testimony on the final day of the national coordinators’ meeting held at Nocera Umbra.
It collects the interventions of the conference which was held on March 29th, born from the collaboration between Italian Large Families Association (ANFN) and the chair of demography of the University of Siena. The topics addressed in the volume are of extreme interest. |
Digital future: family-friendly municipalities innovation challenges.
Brussels, Tuesday December 19 | 09:30 - 17:00
EU Commission adopts a Communication set for Member States to prioritize issues of demographic change.
From 2009 to 2022 couples with 3 or more children grew by 5 percentage points reaching 16.3 percent among families with children, the highest value in Italy in 2022.
On October 14th, Nuoro hosted the Third Regional Convention of the Family Network in Italy, during which, 14 more municipalities on the island were certified as Family-friendly networks..747,227 people in Sardinia live in municipalities or organizations that are members of the Network.
Monetary incentives do not appear to work in changing fertility rates. Time to look at other solutions.
By prof. Matteo Rizzoli.
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